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Servicio Compartido
Book your Shared transportation / Reserva tu Transporte Compartido
Cuéntanos sobre tu viaje
¿Cuándo planeas viajar?
Estás viajando ...
del Puerto de Chiquila
al Puerto de Chiquila
Seleccione su destino
Seleccione su punto de partida h4>
¿Dónde te gustaría que te recogiéramos?
Cancun Airport
Playa del Carmen
Holbox Island
Cancun Airport
Playa del Carmen
¿Dónde te gustaría que te recogiéramos?
Detalles de su vuelo
¿En qué aerolínea estarás volando?
Número de vuelo
Fecha de llegada
Hora estimada de llegada
Departure Date
Hora de salida del vuelo
Seleccione el tipo de transporte que necesita
Tarifas viaje sencillo
Viaje sencillo
Apto. Cancun compartido
1-2 $120 usd
3 $135 usd
4 $160 usd
5 $252 usd
6 $281 usd
7 $290 usd
8 $335 usd
9 $365 usd
10 $380 usd
Viaje Redondo
Apto Cancún Compartido Redondo
Compartido Redondo Apto. Cancún
1-2 $240 usd
3 $320 usd
4 $470 usd
5 $504 usd
6 $562 usd
7 $580 usd
8 $670 usd
9 $730 usd
10 $760 usd
Select your type of transfer
One Way
Round Trip
One Way trip rates
Pax Num One Way Trip Transfer from Holbox Island to Tulum
Num Pasajeros
1 Pax $160.00
2 Pax $160.00
3 Pax $225.00
4 Pax $280.00
5 Pax $320.00
6 Pax $340.00
7 Pax $375.00
8 Pax $410.00
9 Pax $435.00
10 Pax $465.00
Round trip rates
Pax Num Round Trip Transfer from Holbox Island to Riviera Maya
How many passengers?
1 Pax $390.00
2 Pax $390.00
3 Pax $480.00
4 Pax $610.00
5 Pax $628.00
6 Pax $676.00
7 Pax $750.00
8 Pax $800.00
9 Pax $880.00
10 Pax $950.00
Select your type of transfer
One Way
Round Trip
One-way trip rates
Numero de personas que viajan en su grupo
Cuantos viajan?
1 Pax $195.00
2 Pax $195.00
3 Pax $230.00
4 Pax $275.00
5 Pax $310.00
6 Pax $345.00
7 Pax $375.00
8 Pax $410.00
9 Pax $430.00
10 Pax $475.00
Round trip rates
How many people are there in your party?
How many passengers?
1 Pax $390.00
2 Pax $390.00
3 Pax $480.00
4 Pax $610.00
5 Pax $628.00
6 Pax $676.00
7 Pax $750.00
8 Pax $800.00
9 Pax $880.00
10 Pax $950.00
Select your type of transfer
One Way
Round Trip
One Way trip rates
Viaje Sencillo de Holbox a Playa del Carmen
Cuantos Viajan?
1 Pax $170.00
2 Pax $170.00
3 Pax $220.00
4 Pax $275.00
5 Pax $310.00
6 Pax $335.00
7 Pax $370.00
8 Pax $400.00
9 Pax $430.00
10 Pax $460.00
Round trip rates
Pax Num Round Trip Transfer from Holbox Island to Valladolid
How many passengers?
1 Pax $340.00
2 Pax $340.00
3 Pax $430.00
4 Pax $550.00
5 Pax $576.00
6 Pax $630.00
7 Pax $712.00
8 Pax $752.00
9 Pax $830.00
10 Pax $900.00
Select your type of transfer
One Way
Round Trip
One Way trip rates
Viaje Sencillo
Cuantos Viajan?
1 Pax $210.00
2 Pax $210.00
3 Pax $250.00
4 Pax $290.00
5 Pax $340.00
6 Pax $395.00
7 Pax $440.00
8 Pax $490.00
9 Pax $540.00
10 Pax $595.00
Round trip rates
Pax Num Round Trip Transfer from Holbox Island to Merida
How many passengers?
1 Pax $790.00
2 Pax $790.00
3 Pax $830.00
4 Pax $860.00
5 Pax $960.00
6 Pax $1060.00
7 Pax $1120.00
8 Pax $1180.00
9 Pax $1240.00
10 Pax $1300.00
Información de Contacto para la Reservación
Correo electrónico
Teléfono móvil
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